Morning Show – Getting STUCK Stories… 11/6/18

A  Chesaning, Michigan woman recently got stuck in her bathtub for five days. Allison Gibson was unable to get out of her tub because she could not reach her handrail. Her cell phone was in the other room so she had no way of contacting anyone. Alison survived by drinking bath water. A postal worker alerted neighbors because he hadn’t seen Alison in several days. The neighbors then called the police. I bring this up because according to a recent study… nothing causes more panic and stress than being stuck somewhere and hopes of getting out start a full blown panic attack. So this morning we shared our ‘getting stuck’ stories. Joel got stuck in an bomb shelter below his old school… and Rick got stuck in his second floor WINDOW while trying to install a surveillance camera. Priceless! Where did you get stuck? Share your story with us, here!




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